Getting Our Bearings -- Elkanah? Ariel? It’s Geography Time; Plus a Little Bad with the Good
In my second blog (the first from Israel), I described a bit of the geography of Israel with an emphasis on Efrat. I continue with a...
A Glorious Week, Israeli-Style
As I am about to enjoy my second Shabbat in Israel this year -- at Ezra and Shiri’s apartment in Elkanah -- I take this opportunity to...
A Normal Life in Israel
Shalom from the Holy Land, land of our ancestors, the Promised Land, the State of Israel! As I begin my sabbatical -- abridged due to,...
The Ups and Downs of Getting to Israel
My flight to Israel had its ups and downs and twists and turns. My path from Newark, NJ (Marian and I spent Shabbat with Akiva, Lauren...
Beyond the Cosmos
As I am sure you know, we in St Louis will enjoy the rare experience of a total eclipse of the sun on Monday, August 21. A total solar...
Israel's Survival Lies in Religion, not Secularism
The headline in the Jewish Light is provocative: “Michael Steinhardt thinks American Jews need to stop focusing on religion” (Page 8,...
Missing an Opportunity
At the Geneva Peace Conference in 1973, Abba Eban quipped that the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Will Israel...
Why We Will Be In Israel for Two and a Half Weeks – Or, June 2017 in Israel
I am sure it has happened to many of you – you try to set a date for a major simchah and coordinate the available dates to make sure a...
You Can Call Me Pesach
“You can call me Johnny …” comes from a comedic routine that baby-boomers and their parents may remember. A quick check with Wikipedia...
Debates for the Sake of Heaven
In the last year, Americans have experienced some of the worst political discourse in its history, crude, crass, and demeaning, and many...